Tamil Nadu is taking major strides towards making sport and art inclusive at primary, middle, and high school levels.
New physical activity classes — allowing children to pick from their favorite sport — for various age groups will be included from the primary school level.
A senior official from the School Department negated that sports and arts are just extra-curricular activities, highlighting DT Next that these two subjects are important skills to facilitate the emotional and physical development of every child.
A State-appointed expert committee comprising academics and other stakeholders in the education sector recommended the introduction of arts and physical education, ensuring every child has a chance to participate in sports and arts of their choice.
“The main aim of arts education is to help the children express themselves, be more creative, and appreciate the subject.” he said.
“Physical education classes should expand from two to four periods weekly, structured as physical literacy, sport-specific skills, and free play,” he added.
The appointment for a fresh batch of physical education teachers has already started.
“The focus would be children in rural and tribal areas where they would be provided more sports facilities and proper coaching, sporting grounds and sports materials.”