Carissa Moore, Tokyo 2020 gold medalist, is set to become a first-time mother in February and she is pre-planning for her daughter.
“I think probably start off with some swimming first. I think my dad got us in the water after a couple months, so as soon as possible, really,” she told PEOPLE at the premiere of Cirque Du Soleil’s ‘Auana.
Earlier this year, she finished fifth at Paris 2024. A few days after her exit from the Summer Olympics she announced her pregnancy.
“I can’t wait to tell my daughter one day she was in the barrel with me at the Olympics,” she adds.
The Hawaii native’s body is changing and so is her appetite. “I just always had a sweet tooth, so when I got pregnant, it kind of switched to savory, and I was like, cheese, give me cheese,” she says.
The five-time World Champion had stepped away from her career in January, this year. However, she returned to participate at the Paris 2024, saying that ‘retirement’ is not the word she used to describe the next chapter.
“I don’t like the word retirement,” she said. “I like to say a departure from the tour, or just stepping back, or switching gears, or, like, evolving.”