Madhya Pradesh will organize district and state-level Olympic Games, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav announced during an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Madhya Pradesh Olympic Association.
The Madhya Pradesh government has taken this initiative in collaboration with Sports Associations for Development of Sports and Athletes in the state.
“Our government has always prioritized the development of sports and players. The government will leave no stone unturned in their development. Every need will be fulfilled. We will work together under a plan with sports associations to nurture more and more sports talent from the state for national and international games,” the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister said.
“State-level Olympic Games (State Olympics) will be organized to encourage the players selected in district-level Olympic Games. The Sports Department will prepare a proper action plan for this. The government will move forward in this direction only after taking suggestions from everyone,” he added.
The meeting was attended by Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang, MP Khajuraho and Vice President of MP Olympic Association Vishnu Dutt Sharma, MLA and State Vice President Shri Ramesh Mendola, officials Digvijay, Rohini Gupta along with all other officials, members and Sports Department officials of the association.
The commencement of the Madhya Pradesh District and State-Level Olympic Games will mark a new beginning for the athletes in the state with the government committed to provide necessary facilities to each player.
“It is important to develop sports, athletes, and playgrounds for creating a better society. He noted that the government has been fully dedicated to this cause and assured that efforts in this field will continue with the same momentum in the future,” Sports and Youth Welfare Minister Vishwas Kailash Sarang said.
The meeting concluded with the officials from various associations presenting their suggestions and demands, along with an account of the year’s achievements, sports activities, and facilities provided to players.