Category: Judo
Judokas Distria Krasniqi and Akil Gjakova Honored By Kosovo Olympic Committee
Two judoka, Distria Krasniqi and Akil Gjakova, have been named ‘Athletes of the Year 2024’ at the 9th edition of the Kosovo Olympic Committee’s annual awards ceremony. Krasniqi was crowned ‘Female Athlete of the Year,’ while Gjakova received the ‘Male Athlete of the Year’ award. For both judoka it was their 5th time receiving these…
Olympic Council of Asia Announces Schedule, Sports For 3rd Asian Youth Games Bahrain
The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) on Monday announced the schedule and sports for the 3rd Asian Youth Games in Bahrain. The continental youth games was moved to the Middle Eastern country after a discussion in the Executive Board meeting after the plan to originally host it in Tashkent, Uzbekistan did not materialise. The first…