Olympic champions are a cut above the rest. They exhibit better skill sets, visualisation techniques, recovery rates, stamina, and other biological factors which is only possible through their strict discipline, diet, mental preparation which begins at a young age.
In a recent medical research carried out by the United States National Library of Medicine, it was proved that physically active individuals exhibit slowed epigenetic aging and better age-related outcomes.
The research was diversified into Olympic champions and non-champions categories based on the extreme intensity of physical activity.
The test was examined through the epigenetic aging of 59 Hungarian Olympic champions and the 332 control subjects, 205 were master rowers.
“We observed that Olympic champions exhibit slower epigenetic aging, applying seven state-of-the-art epigenetic aging clocks. Additionally, male champions who won any medal within the last 10 years showed slower epigenetic aging compared to other male champions, while female champions exhibited the opposite trend,” the research said.
Furthermore, it was also developed that wrestlers had higher age acceleration compared to gymnasts, fencers, and water polo players.
“We identified the top 20 genes that showed the most remarkable difference in promoter methylation between Olympic champions and non-champions,” the research report said.
“The hypo-methylated genes are involved in synaptic health, glycosylation, metal ion membrane transfer, and force generation. Most of the hyper-methylated genes were associated with cancer promotion. The data suggest that rigorous and long-term exercise from adolescence to adulthood has beneficial effects on epigenetic aging,” it added.