WATCH: German World Champion David Storl Using AI To Teach Shot-Put Techniques In Hindi

WATCH: German World Champion David Storl Using AI To Teach Shot-Put Techniques In Hindi

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David Storl, the Olympic silver medalist and World Champion, has joined the Artificial Intelligence (AI) race.

In one-and-a-half-minute long video, the German, was captured lips-syncing in ‘Hindi’ language with an ‘Indian flag’ on the reel.

He also captioned the video in Hindi, saying, “दोस्तों, भारत से। आपमें से कई मुझसे तकनीक सीखने में मदद मांग रहे हैं। मेरी कहानी में आपको मेरी ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्रम तक पहुंच मिलेगी जो तकनीक सीखने के लिए है। आपके लिए खासतौर पर, भागीदारी पर 25% अतिरिक्त छूट भी है। मैं आपसे मिलने के लिए उत्सुक हूँ।,” which translates into, “Friends, from India. Many of you have been asking me for help in learning the technology. In my story you will get access to my online course to learn the technique. There’s also an extra 25% off on participation, especially for you. I look forward to meeting you”.

Through his videos, Storl will be guiding Indian athletes and coaches, of the techniques required to become a World Champion or qualify for the Olympic Games.

India’s double Olympic gold medalist Neeraj Chopra shared the video on his Instagram video, appealing his fellow citizens to learn from the German Olympian.

“Last year, I started analysing shot put techniques of athletes from all over the world,” Storl, who retired in February 2024, tells The Indian Express from Leipzig.

“I recognised that many athletes from India were contacting me via Instagram because they had to prepare for a police test or a special event.”

He also has a personal motive. “I want to ensure that glide does not die, by spreading it to far corners of the world”.