Japan’s Misaki Matsutomo and Chiharu Shida are set to end their brief partnership after the India Open 2025, slated to get underway from January 14.
The pair was dubbed, the ‘limited edition pair’ because Shida’s regular partner, Nami Matsuyama, took a break after their runners-up finish at the season-ending Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, last month.
After losing to China’s Li Yi Jing-Luo Xo Min in the last eight of Malaysia Open 2025; Matsutomo is hoping for an improved performance in New Delhi.
“Of course, we want to win it (India Open 2025). We believe we are improving with every match we play together.”
“We will continue to prepare for the next tournament and put in our full effort as pair,” she said in a post-match interview.
Shida, meanwhile, was privileged to share the brief spell with the Rio 2016 gold medallist.
“Her mindset is very strong and not many players have that kind of understanding of the game. I want to continue learning from her,” she said.
Shida said Matsuyama will be eager to return in the world’s oldest tournament, All England, in Birmingham from March 11 to 16.
Shida and Matsuyama, the Paris 2024 bronze medalists, didn’t win any World Tour titles, last year and are hoping to return this season with a win in the United Kingdom.